The Beat: January 2024

February 12, 2024 / Comments (0)

Security The Beat

Monthly Crime/Traffic Stats: January 2024

***Always be mindful of your surroundings.***

** For loose dogs (attacks or bites) please call Animal Control at: (281) 999-3191 x3. Not the Sheriff’s Department. But, in the case of a life-threating situation call 911.

The following is only a summary of crime and traffic incidents in Huntwick. If more details are needed, contact HCSO at (346) 286-1600.

Here are the incidents that occurred during the month:

  • Burg Habitation, on January 1, at 10:17 a.m. on Coral Ridge Road. Reported by Deputy Schubert.
  • Disturbance Family, on January 1, at 6:43 p.m. on Lookout Mountain Drive. Reported by Deputy Adolph.
  • They also responded to the following:
    • Four (4) Alarm Local, one (1) Disturbance loud noise, two (2) Disturbance other, forty (40) Public infrastructure checks, eighty-eight (88) Mud building checks, twenty-nine (29) Park checks, five hundred-eighty-nine (589) Contract checks, one (1) Suspicious person, one (1) Terroristic threat, one (1) Unk-medical emergency, and twenty-three (23) Vacation watches.


The speed limit in Huntwick is 30 miles an hour!
Note: You may NOT park within 30 feet of a STOP SIGN, flashing signal yield sign, or any traffic-control signal. Texas Street Parking Laws.

Our patrol deputies also, responded to the following:
Two (2) Suspicious vehicles

Traffic Stops and Illegally Parked Vehicles:

My conversation with HCSO Assistant Chief Thomas Diaz and Lieutenant Strong was very productive. I tried to convey our community’s concerns about our traffic problems and the lack of enforcement by some of our deputies. 
Vehicle stolen, on January 12, at 7:53 a.m., on Court of York. Report by Deputy Pickett.
We had a fantastic Month for traffic safety and enforcement:

  • Twenty-eight (28) Traffic Initiatives.
  • Twenty-nine (29) Traffic stop, (6 resulting in citations)
  • Ten (10) Vehicle Stickered (expired or not displayed registration) Report by Deputy Pickett.
  • Seven (7) Illegally parked vehicle. Reported by Deputy Pickett and Schubert.

Note: Please keep your driveway well-lit and mount cameras if possible. If you park in your driveway, please take your valuables and lock your car.

When parking on a public street in our community, please be mindful of your neighbors. You can review the Texas transportation code online: Sec. 545.303. ADDITIONAL PARKING REGULATIONS.


Be watchful for anything suspicious or inappropriate, especially for our children, young adults, and seniors. Please don’t leave valuables in plain sight and unattended. Remember, posting it on social media is different from calling the Sheriff’s dispatch.

You can submit a Vacation Watch on your house if you’re going on vacation. Call (832) 927-2997 between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or online, copy the link below:

Be sure to inform your neighbors so they can watch your house while you are gone. If they see any suspicious activity or person (s), have them call the Sheriff’s Department

Please note the change: (713) 221-6000 the option code has been changed to (1) for dispatch and (6) is now for car theft.

Suspicious Activity Alert

If you notice a BLUE LIGHT on at Donut Lake Park or the Recreation center, call 713-364-8869 for details.

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