• Security

    Huntwick Forest is a safe community and we work hard to make sure it stays that way! Learn more about our security process and how were protecting our community.


You have chosen a very safe neighborhood, thanks to a proactive Constables Department and to the watchful eyes and involvement of the Huntwick citizens. These two entities are essential and work together to maintain our outstanding security program.


In Huntwick, Security is provided by the Harris County Pct.4 Constables. Constables regularly patrol our community. We have a full time Security Coordinator who is a Huntwick resident and acts as our interface with the sheriff’s Department and Deputies. The Huntwick Civic Association (HCA provides oversight of Security activities though a Security Director, who is an elected member of the HCA Board.)


At a recent Crime Summit Captain Hitchcock of the Sheriff’s Department commented that ‘Huntwick has one of the best security systems in place within any/and all unincorporated areas of Harris County.’ For this reputation of a safe and secure neighborhood, most of the thanks go to our Security Coordinator, Carl Shannon, and to the deputies and the residents who remain vigilant and aware.


Security also maintains the Huntwick Information Line. On occasion, it is necessary to advise residents of important community and/or security issues. Residents are alerted to recorded messages on the Huntwick Information Line by the flashing blue lights installed at the Clubhouse on Glen Erica, Donut Lake, and the Strack Road entrance to Huntwick.

Security Resources

Please refer Huntwick Security matters to the following contacts:

  1. If it’s an emergency, or even looks like an emergency, call 911.

Examples of emergencies include and are not limited to:

  • Fires, car accidents, life-threatening-situations, medical emergencies
  • Crimes in progress, such as shootings, robberies, and physical assaults
  1. If it’s a non-emergency, call the Constable’s dispatch at (281) 376-3472.

Examples of non-emergencies include and are not limited to:

  • Speeding
  • Running stop signs
  • Parking illegally
  • Trespassing
  • Suspicious person or vehicle
  1. For all other Huntwick security matters, call the Huntwick Security Coordinator at (281) 562-8287.

Examples of the Security Coordinator’s role include and are not limited to:

  • Identifying non-emergency problems or concerns reported by residents
  • Passing information along to the deputies on duty and allowing them to handle as they see fit
  • Consistent speeding and running of stop signs
  • Minor issues with neighbors that could be considered criminal in nature.
  1. If you see the blue light* flashing, call (713) 364-8869 to learn about any security-related issue that has recently occurred in Huntwick.

*Blue lights are located at the Clubhouse on Coral Gables, at the Donut Lake Park on Charwell Crossing, and at the water-treatment plant on Strack Road.

Please direct your questions and concerns to Carl Shannon, Security Coordinator/Director, at the number listed above or security@huntwickforest.com

If you are planning to take a vacation, don’t forget to complete a Vacation Watch Request Form and Submit it to the Harris County Constable’s Office via their website.

CLICK HERE to fill out the form

  • Lock your house whether you are at home or leaving home.
  • Park your cars in the garage, if possible, or in your driveway, if not.
  • Lock your cars and close garage doors especially during the night hours.

Home owners planning to have an alarm system installed in their residence is required to furnish the contracted security alarm company with three (3) emergency numbers. The 911 emergency number is not accepted by the alarm company — but, we, as private citizens are to continue calling 911 for all emergencies. Listed below are the emergency numbers that give the alarm company monitors the ability to call directly to the responsible agency:

  • Harris County Constable Dispatcher – 281-376-3472
  • Champions Fire Department Dispatcher – 281-537-8555
  • Cypress Creek E.M.S. Dispatcher – 281-440-4300

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