
Every owner of property in Huntwick is a member of the Huntwick Civic Association. The Association (commonly referred to as the HCA) provides services and collects fees to provide those maintenance and resident services.

Maintenance Fund

The maintenance fund is an annual assessment that each property owner is required to pay and is administered by the Huntwick Civic Association. The annual fee (maintenance fee) is based on a set mil per square foot of lot area. The current maintenance fee is capped at ten mils per square foot of lot area with the exception of those sections that have passed the revised Deed Restrictions. The maintenance fee is due on the 1st day of January of each year. The assessment is used for the benefit of all lot owners and provides for the following services:

  • The monthly publication of the Huntwick Herald newsletter
  • Annual publication of the Huntwick Directory
  • The Huntwick InfoLine
  • Maintenance of the common areas within the subdivision
  • Mosquito fogging
  • The annual Fourth of July celebration (sponsored jointly by the HCA and the Huntwick Recreation Facilities)
  • HCA maintains the web site

Resident Services Fees

The Resident Service Fee is billed directly to each resident monthly. As a convenience, these fees are included on the water billing made by the Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 116. This fee is inclusive of:

  • Trash services
  • Security expenditures